3 Drain-Cleaning Avoidance Techniques


If you never want to be in need of professional drain-cleaning services, there are several ways you can be fairly certain that you attain your heart’s desire.1.Don’t have kids.Children, especially those younger than grounding age, are especially prone to contribute to household calamities of all kinds, but particularly clogged drains. Perhaps part of the issue has to do with the fact that they’re so curious and constantly on the move, never mind the fact that they tend to spend more time inside your home than older, more independent kids. If you could read their minds and tell when they’re wondering “I wonder if this would fit inside that hole in the bottom of the sink” or “Boy, I bet this would look really cool being flushed down the toilet,” you’d be more likely to be able to prevent catastrophic plumbing problems, but since you can’t, you should probably just not let anyone under the age of 12 live in your home or even enter it, at any time.2.Eliminate all hair.If you think about it, hair is infamous for causing mayhem of all kinds. When you look back at your high school yearbook picture, what makes you wince? Probably, your hair. Think about all the embarrassment that styles such as mullets and teased gargantuan bangs have caused, throughout the years. Well, all that long, overly styled tresses end up the same place, in the end: going down the drains. After a while, it builds up and causes more than mere guffaws. The stench and damage caused by backed-up pipes can be both costly and time-consuming. So if you’re serious about eliminating the possibility of that, you should really get on board with whole-body waxing or electrolysis. It may be more pricey and extreme than drain-cleaning services, but you’ll save money on shampoo and other hair products, as well.3.Eat out.No matter how well you well you think you clean your plate or thoroughly your scraping-into-the-trash abilities may be, some food always makes it into your kitchen sink. Even if you use paper plates, the once edible debris left from the cooking appliances and serving utensils is still enough to wreak havoc on your plumbing system. So if you’re serious about saving your drains from ever getting clogged, you should just have a “no food in the house” policy that you tightly maintain. By eating out for every single meal and snack, you’ll not only save your pipes, but you’ll be able to turn your kitchen into a home office or storage space, as well. No kitchen cleaning for you, no drain cleaning for the pros—sounds like a win-win situation, huh?Unless you’re really willing to stop cooking and eating at home, getting rid of all body hair, and pawning off your children, you risk the possibility of requiring professional drain cleaning, at some point.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


For residents of dayton drain cleaning can be handled by the professional staff at http://www.benfranklinplumbingdayton.com/.