Top Household Cleaners: Baking Soda


If you know what to look for, non-hazardous cleaners are
easy to come by. In fact many are already in homes across America.
However, if you are one residence which doesn’t have any, you don’t have to go
far to find them.


One extremely common cleaner that every supermarket and
grocery store has is baking soda, otherwise known as bicarbonate of soda. It is
nontoxic, healthy for people to use, doesn’t harm the environment, and perhaps
the number one reason why it should be considered before anything else: it’s


One of the easiest ways to use it is simply buy a box and
leave it open anywhere in the home like a refrigerator or cupboard. It can sit
for months deodorizing.


As for more hands on household cleaning jobs the following
are baking soda musts.


In the Kitchen:








Dining/Living Room:





Household maintenance: